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yEd hangs when importing large data set; what can I do?

0 votes
I have an excel file that I want to graph. It has 7591 Nodes and 9951 Edges. When I try to open it, yEd stops working and becomes unresponsive after approx 10min.

I've previously opened files with the same formatting but slightly fewer nodes and edges.

Is there any way to improve performance and have yEd open the file to graph?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, there is. When importing large Excel data sets, set option "Layout" on tab "Presentation" of the Excel Import settings to value "None". Note, this will result on all nodes centered on coordinates (0,0) (and thus may look like only one node was created. After the import, save the diagram as GraphML. Then run a layout algortihm suited for large graphs (e.g. "Layout" -> "Organic" is fairly fast even for lots of nodes and edges).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Layout algortihms suited for large imported graphs
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