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xgml file getting reformatted after open

0 votes
I am constructing an .xgml file for input to yed, which has specific x & y values specified for the nodes, but when i open the file in yed, it seems to instantaneously appear as I think it should potentially look like for a split second, but then gets reformatted, and when reviewing the values, they have been adjusted from the original source.  I expect there is probably some option/preference i am missing to stop this behaviour, but i cant for the life of me see what/where it is.

The graph is potentially larger than the visible area of the screen, which may be significant.

Some help would be appreciated.

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Do you have "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Editor" option "Dynamically Adjust Node Size to Label Size" enabled? If so, turn it off.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
No, that isn't checked (I think that was one of the things i tried).

Ok, then I would need the problematic XGML file as well as your settings.xml file to help further. (The settings.xml file is in your yEd profile directory, see "Help" -> "About" for the path to your profile directory.)

Please see How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for instructions on uploading files here.

I cant see how to get the toolbar, to be able to do the links.
Is this something specific for this forum, or does it rely on a particular browser?

You get the toolbar by clicking "answer" below your original question. (That is why it says "When writing a new question or an answer to ..." in How to upload files to yEd Q&A?)

Alternatively, you can "edit" your original question to get the toolbar and append the upload links.

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