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One-Click Layout without internet

+1 vote
I have a USB with yed 3.14.1 in a computer without internet. When I select this option in the menus a message appears on the screen: "Could not establish connection to server for plug-in information.

Can I install in my usb this plugin manually?
in Help by (300 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

One-Click Layout cannot be used without an internet connection. This feature sends an anonymized version of your diagram (along with your feedback) to www.yworks.com.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
thank you for your answer
Indeed I tried on a online computer and understood finally what you explained
Thx for your great sofwtare
0 votes
Hello I have the same question So I bring back the thread (ps: your editor wysiwyg doesn't allow end of lines with IE10)
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