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Bug: automatic node label editing does not work inside closed groups after loading.

0 votes

Minimal case:


  1. Enable "Edit Label on Create Node" in the preferences.
  2. Create a new empty graph
  3. Click the canvas to create a new node. The label is selected.
  4. Click the canvas to stop editing.
  5. Select the node by dragging over it.
  6. Press Alt+Ctrl+G to create a group.
  7. Click the canvas to stop editing the label.
  8. Click the canvas [-] button to collapse the group.
  9. Save the file as tmp.graphml and close the document.
  10. Load the file again.
  11. Double-click the group to enter it.
  12. Create a node

Expected behavior:

The label is selected for editing.

Actual behavior:

The node is not selected.


  • Windows 7 Home Premium (czech)
  • yEd v3.9
  • Java 1.6.0_30
  • Intel Atom N550
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
Thank you for your error report. We'll have a look at this.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
0 votes
This problem is fixed as of yEd 3.9.1.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
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