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Export/Save As graph as text representation

0 votes

I am aware that yEd can be used to export a graph as a text representation (not sure as edge list as csv or some other form). The purpose is so that the graph can be read by a mathematical programming code as an input.

I've been searching throughout the help file and FAQ section but couldn't find anything on this. Some pointers would be much appreciated.
in Help by

2 Answers

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Best answer
Save as... > TGF

The file format seems to be a list of (node id, node label), followed by a single hash, and a list of edges (source id, target id, edge label). Beware though, that yEd exports groups as regular nodes, swallowing everything inside if they are closed
This description of the format is correct.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trivial_Graph_Format for more information on TGF.
0 votes

Aside from the very simple TGF, GML and GraphML are also text based formats. See Graph Modelling Language and The GraphML File Format for additional information. Note, that GraphML is currently the only text based format in yEd that is "complete" (e.g. GML does not support custom properties, etc.).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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