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When I use the 'help' drop-down, I get recursive loads of 'konqueror'. Why?

0 votes
On my installation, when I click 'Help', 'Yworks homepage', I get a LOT of attempts to open the 'konqueror' web-browser.  I usually have to log-off to stop the flood.  I assume this is a mis-configuaration on my workstation, but I'm darned if I can find it.

Have you seen this, do you know why it might happen, and is there a setting I could change to have the 'help' work properly?  Thanks.
in Help by

1 Answer

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Well, first step would be to verify if this happens as well if you run konqueror http://www.yworks.com/ from a console/terminal. If so, try setting another default browser. (How that is done depends on your system.) In any case, yEd tries to determine the default browser using the which command, testing the following browser names

in the given order. E.g. if which firefox returns a path, the command firefox http://www.yworks.com/ is used instead of konqueror http://www.yworks.com/ to open the yWorks hmepage.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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