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Using 'save as' does not work.

0 votes
I have drawn a graph and have saved it OK. But now I have updated it and want to save the diagram with a new file name. It goes through the process of 'save as' but does not acctually save anything.!
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
Impossible to tell what is going wrong with the information at hand. Especially if no error message is displayed. Running yEd 3.14 on Java 1.8.0_25 it does work for me on our Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows test machines.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes
I have just checked using file explorer and it seems to be saving the file but with a large number after the original file name. E.g. test is now saved as test1355465521254.

At least the file is saved.
To prevent errors while writing files from destroying existing files, yEd first creates a temporary file and then asks the operating system to either rename the file or replace an already existing file if there is one. If the the temporary file still exists, the rename/replace did not work for some reason. However, this should usually result in an error message.
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