Yes please. Being able to zoom the neighbourhood view without window rezising is an absolute must, if you wish to navigate nodes with lengthy text - I am using yEd to keep track of journalistic research, and yEd could be awesome for that purpose, if only the neighbourhood view had a minimum of bare functionalities:
1. Ability to zoom
2. Ability to freeze the neighbourhood, so that you can go hunt the map for something, while referencing the nodes in 'the hood'
3. Ability to multiselect in the neighbourhoodview
Could save a lot of jumping forth and back between 'the hood' and the main view
4. Rudimentary layout intelligence: It seems that siblings with long texts are stacked vertically, while siblings with only one line of text are arranged horizontally. Tall nodes on top of each other, oneliners next to each other. This means a lot of space is wasted in the vertical, and everything get's way smaller than it needs to be
5. Make 'the hood' into a real window, not a tool window, when floating. Yes, you can zoom by resizing the window - so why deny the user the desktop-functions like mini- and maximize? It's like: "Yeah, you can zoom - if you really really want to" :)
But maybe my usecase is special: I am using yEd for what I'd describe some cross between legal and journalistic research in a quite specific project. I still don't quite understand how the most powerful view is so neglected