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Set edge style to a dotted line

0 votes
I am working on a screen-capture video of a yEd graph.

The video starts with a basic graph that uses solid edges to define the relationships between its main nodes.

During the course of the video capture, I want to add dotted lines to indicate secondary relationships between the main nodes.

How do I do this - i.e. set the default line style to "dotted line" for all the edges I add to the graph during the course of the video capture?


in Help by (230 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

You can do this by setting a line with the desired visualization as default in the palette.

The default for a line (or node and group) is selected by double clicking its symbol in the palette. That symbol is then highlighted in the palette.

If your palette doesn't contain the desired visualization yet, you can add a line with the desired visualization in your document and then select its symbol in the Current Elements section of the palette.

The yEd manual chapter about the palette describes how to add symbols permanently to custom palette sections.

by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
Perfect Michael! Thanks very much.
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