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Is it possible to set default properties for imported icons?

0 votes

I import *a lot of* icons.

Then I go through the settings and fix standard properties of the imported icons.
Label palcement / Label background / Alignment etc..

Is it possible to configure the default values for newly imported icons so that when I do import an icon via iconfinder, those values are pre-set?

(e.g I prefer placement to be 8-pos and label to be on right side).
in Help by (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to set default values for icon import.

The best you can do is the following:

  1. Import all the icons you need.
  2. Right-click the palette section name into which you imported the icons to open its context menu and choose "Convert to Document".
  3. Use CTRL+A to select all the nodes in the new document.
  4. Apply the desired settings.
  5. Open the palette section's context menu once more and choose "Adopt from Document".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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