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Adding a group node to the palette does not add children

0 votes
I'm trying to add a group node to the palette as a template, however the children of the group node don't get added.
in Help by (160 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, that is right. The palette only supports templates for single nodes. It cannot be used as a factory for subgraphs.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
It would be nice to have this feature
I would realy appreciate this feature. I try to model our system environment, consisting of several clusters (Firewalls, Lodbalancers, Middleware Servers etc.), and creating my own default groups in the Palette would make my work *a lot* easier. Single objects don't help, because we have clusters running more than one application, and we want to see which application talks to which other ones. Hence I end up with groups with at least two, if not more childs.

Are there Plans to add this feature? In the end, these "subgraphs" are nothing more than yet XML, right? ;) And if not: is there some workaround? Thanks a lot!
I second, this would be an awesome feature to have.
I made a feature request, please up vote!
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