Hi everyone,
I'm trying to open a xml file with yEd in the aim of visualising data.
It works but the graph consist in visualising XML's elements, not the data contained in.
For exemple:
<c id="de-130" level="item">
<unittitle label="Intitulé de l'unité documentaire">Eytan, Moshi. <emph render="italic">Convexité dans les ensembles ordonnés</emph>. Rap. /26/août 1969/M. Eytan</unittitle>
<unitdate label="Date de l'unité documentaire" normal="1969">1969</unitdate>
<genreform label="Typologie documentaire">rapport</genreform>
<subject label="Mot matière libre">ensemble convexe</subject>
<subject label="Mot matière libre">calcul</subject>
<subject label="Mot matière libre" source="liste-discipline">mathématiques</subject>
<persname label="Personne">Eytan, Moshi</persname>
<genreform source="liste-niveau">document</genreform>
Generated nodes are: "Controlaccess", "Genreform", "Subject" .... instead of: "rapport", "calcul" or "Eytan, Moshi", which are data I want to see.
However, the entire structure is perfect: all the edges are correct.
Can anyone help me?
Best regards,
Julien, French archivist