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How can I bring edges to the foreground in front of other edges?

+1 vote
I have drwan some nodes and several edges.
Some edges are behind others, some are in the front.
When I select an edge and than chose "show in front of others! from the "EDIT" menu than nothing happens.

I know that there is a similair question, but it is not about edges.
I managed it to bring separate edges to the front when I bring the connected node to the front. But sometimes I want an edge A in fornt of  edge B and behind edge C.
This is also possible by bringing the connected nodes step by step in front / behind. But there are situation where you cannot achive this. Right?

Maybe for an further update it should be possible to change the view order ( Z order) of edges, too?
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes

I take it with "show in front of others" you mean the "Raise Selection" action from the "Edit" menu. Actually, this action is intended for nodes, node labels, and edge labels only. For edges, this action does nothing because the rendering order is induced by the node rendering order. (Otherwise edges in groups cannot be done properly.)

It is a bug that this action and the "Lower Selection" action are available for edge selections.

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention.

by [yWorks] (160k points)
0 votes
As of yEd 3.14, "Edit" -> "Raise Selection" and "Edit" -> "Lower Selection" are disabled for edges.
by [yWorks] (160k points)
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