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Grab and drag when clicking an empty spot?

0 votes
The Overview pane is great—but how about also allowing us to move the current view by clicking and dragging an empty spot in the diagram? Many graphics apps include this... When you click an empty spot the cursor becomes a "closed hand" symbol, like this one:


...indicating that you can drag the view. Thanks for considering this! Cheers, a.
in Feature Requests by (380 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

You can do that in yEd by holding down the right mouse button instead of the left mouse button. (Left-drags are used for marquee selection.)

by [yWorks] (161k points)
Thanks! I now see that the Help says:

"Moving the viewport... The current viewport (the visible diagram area) of the editor window can be changed by dragging with the mouse. The are two different ways of moving the viewport. One is activated by left-dragging and the other one is activated by right-dragging."

But left-dragging has no effect (unless you're referring to dragging objects, rather than the view?)
That section refers to Navigation Mode. Navigation Mode is activated by clicking the blue 4-way-arrow (fifth icon from the *right*) in yEd's toolbar. In Navigation Mode, you cannot change the diagram but only "move around".
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