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Make an Object stick to a Cell, Row or Lane inside a Swimlane Pool

+1 vote
I can group objects into a Pool by SHIFT-dragging them onto it. If I then drag the object above the current border of the Pool, the Pool will automatically resize.

However I could not figure out how to group an Object into a single Cell or even a Row or Lane. E.g. I have a BPMN Start Event that I want to be 'stuck' inside the Cell of Column 0, Row 2. Obviously I can position it there myself, but as soon as I use any automatic Layout like e.g. Flowchart or BPMN it will often times reposition the Start Event to another Lane.

What am I doing wrong?
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes
Flowchart layout does not support pool nodes very well, BPMN layout, however, does handle them fairly well and I am not aware of any case where a (correcly assigned) inner node leaves its cell.

Can you provide the graphml for a graph (post it here for lack of a better way of exchange) and the layout settings that exhibits this problem?
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I have the same issue. It happens in my case when you expand (+) activities. The swimlane does not expand accordingly. Especially big activities overlapp then into other swimlanes. The automatic positioning algorithm then also does not know anymore which motherlane relates to the child-activity and often shifts it into the wrong lane.
Is there a solution for this?
Currently, the only solution for this problem is to ensure that the swimlane cell is big enough to accommodate the expanded group *before* you expand the group.
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