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yEd freezes when trying to save or export.

0 votes
Whenever I try to save or export my diagram the program freezes. The program does not display "Not responding", and I am able to move the dialogue box around on my desktop. However, no buttons or other programs are clickable, and Ctrl+Alt+Delete is not function either. Only solution is to do hard kill the computer and start up again.

Is this a known problem? And could anyone recommend a solution to this?

Running yEd 3.8 on Windows 7.
in Help by

1 Answer

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No, this is not a known problem.

Which version of yEd did you install (with or without JRE)? Where did you install yEd (C:\Program Files (x86)\yWorks\yEd)? To which directory are you trying to save/export? If you are trying to save/export to a network drive, have you tried saving/exporting to the local hard drive?

In any case, that is quite certainly not a yEd problem, but rather a Java problem (i.e. we can probably do very little to fix this in yEd). Maybe it helps if you install the most current Java version that is available from Oracle (it suffices to install the Windows x86 Java Runtime Environment) and install the JRE-less version of yEd.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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