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Importing Graphml With Labels

0 votes

I'm looking to import graphml files created by another process into Yed. Yed detects all the nodes and edges in this file, but it detects none of the data embedded on the elements.

Here is a sample:

        <node id="n21648">
            <data key="label">Application Node 1</data>
            <data key="description">Lorem ipsum.</data>
        <node id="n21649" >
            <data key="label">Application Node 2</data>
            <data key="description">Lorem ipsum deux.</data>

How would I need to change these data elements so that Yed will recognize them?


in Help by (130 points)
Thanks, I will work on altering the data elements.

1 Answer

0 votes


for information on yEd's GraphML format. (The last post in the list has an answer with an example for the minimal GraphML required to display text.)

Alternatively, create a diagram with a single node and some dummy text. Save as GraphML and inspect the resulting file in a text editor.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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