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How to group the nodes located in different row?

0 votes
when i try to make group of nodes located in differnt row.the group box covers unselected nodes too.
in Help by
I want to keep their node row position as it is and group them neglecting the non selected node. can group box take custom shape? can we define custom shape for group nodes ?
Re: can group box take custom shape? can we define custom shape for group nodes?

No. Group nodes are always rectangular.

2 Answers

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Well, try the swimlane layout algorithm after creating your groups. This algorithm respects columns and rows of top-level table/swimlane nodes. Moreover, it will usually not place nodes into groups that do not belong to those groups.

However, this is not always possible:

The two yellow nodes belong to the group, the red node does not. But due to the cell assignments of the yellow and red nodes there is just no way to prevent the group from covering the red node. (Cell assignment is more important than group assignment.)

Only the swimlane algorithm behaves this way - all other layout algorithms ignore cell assignments and thus will not place nodes into groups that do not belong to those groups:

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
0 votes
i want to put a box   over nodes belonging to differnt rows(to represent them that they belong to same group). is there any other way to do this.?
Well, either place your nodes in such a way that the corresponding groups do not overlap (e.g. if all red nodes are to the left of all yellow nodes, the red group and the yellow group will not overlap) or use multiple group nodes with equal visual properties to make it clear that they mean the same thing.
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