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Copying a grouped set of items fails

0 votes
I have created a number of items and grouped them together.  This group will be used repeatedly throughout the drawing.

I've tried copying and duplicating the group but no matter what I try all I get is an empty box (the group box).

Is there a simple approach that allows me to reuse a group of objects?


Thank you,
in Help by
I tried that, but had problems. I could copy and paste only if the group was closed. Then once I had repositioned a copy near where I wanted it, i could open it and use the snap lines for positioning it exactly in line with other objects. So far not a real problem; I just had to try things until I found that this works. The problem is that when I export the diagram as a png, the gray boxes around the groups go with it and mess up the display. On top of that, i thought maybe I should ungroup them before exporting, but nothing happens when I try that. I draw a marquee around a group, select ungroup, and it's still grouped. There must be a fix for this.


Do you mean node resize handles with "gray boxes around the groups"?

If so, these are only exported if you activated setting "Paint Selection Marker" in the PNG Image Export settings. (By default, selection markers are not exported.)

If not, please upload a screenshot of your diagram in yEd and the corresponding PNG export to clarify what you mean. (Please see How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for general instructions. However, instead of using the link button, use the image upload button in the toolbar's second row.)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, there is. Use marquee selection to select all nodes in the group as well as the group node itself. Copy the selection. Pasting will then insert all previously copied nodes as well as edges that connect only copied nodes.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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