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Grouping nodes

0 votes

I made my family tree grouped: My mother's family in one group, on the left and my father's family on the right.

Usually I print only one group, with the other closed because each group takes a lot of space in the paper.

When all groups are open all nodes are at the same distance. When I close the group on the right, too.

But if I close the group on the left, it goes far away on the left because the open and the close left group maintain the position of the left corner of the node shape.

Is any posibility that when I close a group it maintains the position of the right corner instead of the left corner?

I send you tree images:

  • Two groups open
  • Right group closed, near the rest of the nodes
  • Left group closed, far away on the leftt



in Help by (300 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to change group node behavior with regards to which corner is fixed when closing or opening a group node.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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