For a project, I am building a GML file using my own code that takes some user input and builds a graph. The graph typically has many levels of nesting and edges between nodes across different levels of nesting. The problem is this: if a node X is nested within another group node, and if the fill color of X is set in the GML to #FFFFFF, then yED graph editor renders it as #FFFFFF if X is not a group node and as #EBEBEB if X is a group node. I've attached a simple GML which replicates the problem (see rendering of nodes named 'a' and 'b')
directed 1
node [id "0" label "A" isGroup 1 graphics [ type "roundrectangle" fill "#D2D2D2" outline "#000000" ] LabelGraphics [ text "A" anchor "t" fontStyle "bold" ] ]
node [id "1" label "a" isGroup 1 gid "0" graphics [ type "roundrectangle" fill "#FFFFFF" outline "#000000" ] LabelGraphics [ text "a" anchor "t" ] ]
node [id "2" label "x" gid "1" graphics [ type "roundrectangle" fill "#FFCC00" outline "#000000" ] LabelGraphics [ text "x" anchor "c" ] ]
node [id "3" label "B" isGroup 1 graphics [ type "roundrectangle" fill "#D2D2D2" outline "#000000" ] LabelGraphics [ text "B" anchor "t" fontStyle "bold" ] ]
node [id "4" label "b" gid "3" graphics [ type "roundrectangle" fill "#FFFFFF" outline "#000000" ] LabelGraphics [ text "b" anchor "c" ] ]
edge [ source "1" target "4" graphics [ fill "#000000" ] ]