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How to automaticaly import a 2nd label from excel?

0 votes
Dear yEd-Experts,

I need to import a hirachial diagram from excel, which works nice. But I need a second (and maybe a 3rd) label next to the nodes. The first label sn the node name, which i import from an own column in my excel sheets, but i also have a column for additional information (%), which I would like to place next to my nodes.

How can I easily place the information from one excel-column automaticaly next to all the nodes? Its too many to do it manualy.

I hope someone can help me with this.

Thank you very much in advance,

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Try the following approach:

  1. If you do not already have a user-defined palette section, create one. To do that, go to "Edit" -> "Manage Palette".
  2. Create an empty document.
  3. Create one node and adjust its visual properties to your liking.
  4. For each column in your Excel sheet that you want to display, add one (dummy) label to your node. (Labels can be added by right-clicking the node and choosing "Add Label" from the node's context menu.) Place each label in the desired way.
  5. Once you are finished customizing your node, right-click the node and choose "Add to Palette" from its context menu.
  6. Go to the palette section to which you added your node and double-click the corresponding template. This will make your custom node template the default for new nodes (including new nodes created by Excel import).
  7. Import your Excel sheet. This should result in a custom property for each column that you want to display. You can check that by selecting a node and inspecting the "Data" section in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner.
  8. Finally create a property mapping that assigns the values of the new custom properties to your nodes' labels. To do that, go to "Edit" -> "Properties Mapper" and create a new configuration for nodes. For each custom property add a mapping from that property to "Label Text" with conversion "Automatic". Select each mapping in turn and set "Map To Label No." to an appropriate value. (I.e. no two columns/properties should be mapped to the same label.) Click "Ok".

See Mapping Custom Properties to Visual Properties in the yEd Manual for additional information regarding step 8.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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