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open multiple-note in other format?

0 votes
Hi everybody (soory for bad englisch- it isn't my native!),

I want to save a process in another format for example pdf or something else, because not everybody can use yED (restriction of internal security). PDF would be no problem, but I used some "multiple-notes" and I would like to see them closed, but when you click on them they open. Just as comments in Excel etc.

Is this possible to create? Or do I have to do it with another programm?

What do I have to do to make this possible
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
I am not sure I understand your requirement, but if you are asking if it is possible to open group nodes in a PDF document, then the answer is "No". PDF documents created by yED are not interactive. Moreover, I am not aware of any other application/program that would be able to create such PDF documents.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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