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Overlapping Groups

0 votes
As far as I understand the grouping functionality is hierarchical only. Is there no way to create a graph such that some nodes belong to more than one group. For example:


Nodes:  a, b and c

Edges: a->b, b->c, a->c

Groups: X, Y

Group membership:  a \in X, b \in X, b \in Y, c \in Y


If draw the above, group a and b into group X all is fine (as expected). If I then try to create a group including b and c, ie: b is in both groups, then b is removed from group X leaving me with two groups X and Y, but b is in Y not in both X and Y.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
A node can belong to one group only.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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