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Highlighting a path between two nodes

0 votes
2-part question:

(1) If I am looking at a hierarchical concept map and want to see a path from X to Z where X and Z are nodes and Y is a node between the two (i.e., highlight the edges between X and Y and X and Z), how would I do this?


(2) Can I do this for an abritrary number of edges?  So if there are two edges, call them A and Z, connected via a chain of edges and nodes, (A-->B-->C--->...Z), is it possible to highlight all of the edges connecting the two?

Thanks in advance!
in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Currently, there is no way to highlight paths between specific nodes in yEd's editor.

The best you can do is selecting one node and inspecting the successors/predecessors context views.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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