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I'm trying to import symbols into a new palette section that I created, but they won't import.

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I'm trying to import symbols into a new palette section that I created, but they won't import. The symbol files are Cisco Network Topology Icons which are available here: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac50/ac47/2.html . After I select the downloaded image files, I use the "Import Symbols" feature, select the image files, and click on "Open".

Nothing happens. The files simply don't import into the new palette section that I created.

The specific .jpg image files that I am trying import are located here: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac50/ac47/doc_jpg.zip .

in Help by

1 Answer

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The icons from the Cisco icon set are encoded in a way that is not supported by Java's default image framework.

As a workaround, open the Cisco icon you want to import in an image editor application like the GIMP or Adobe Photoshop and convert the icon into an image format that uses the default sRGB color model. E.g. opening the desired icon in the image editor aplication and saving it in PNG format (without any modifications) should result in an image that yEd can import.

The next version of yEd will feature improved image support (thanks to TwelveMonkeys) that can handle the Cisco icons as well.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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