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Beginners Questions for automate flowchart layout

0 votes
Hi all,

Still trying to use the automated layout feature of yEd (in my case the flowchart option).

My goal is to get rid of the manual positionig of the different items when adding a process step or a comment.

For example I see no option to get a) all Annotation fields to the left and b) all NO-arrows departing from question sympols to the right.

If I'm having a basic misunderstanding, I would be glad for any hints.

Best regards,

in Help by (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd's flowchart layout does not support the desired constraints. The best you can do is setting the "Negative Branch Direction" to either "Left in Flow" (for top-to-bottom diagrams) or "Right in Flow" (for bottom-to-top diagrams). However, branch direction is more of a hint than a constraint, i.e. it may be violated if following the hint would create ede crossings.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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