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Create arrows with paddings to node

0 votes

Hi there,

Thanks a lot for yEd. This is such an awesome program!

One question.

Is it possible to create arrows that have a certain padding to their connected nodes?

Take the example below.





I can achieve the desired look by manually dragging the arrows away from the node. However, by doing so, the arrows are no longer connected to the node which is not what I want.


Thanks for your advice!


in Help by (220 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Either select the edge and adjust its source and target port coordinates (see section "Ports" in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner) or go to "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Display" and adjust option "Edge Path Clip".

With the first approach it is possible to specify different offsets for each edge. However, layout algorithms use the port coordinates for arranging edges as well. Therefore, running a layout algorithm will usually overwrite your manual settings.

The second approach affects all edges at once and is visualization only (i.e. it is not affected by layout algorithms in any way). However, for edges that are actually shorter than the specified value, you will no longer see an edge at all.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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