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Printout to small

0 votes
My printouts cover just a quarter of the page though I selected to adjust to page size.
in Help by

3 Answers

0 votes

I am not aware of an "adjust to page size" setting in yEd's printing options. Could that be a setting of your printer? In that case, the problem lies with your printer, not with yEd. That said, selecting "Entire Graph" as "Clip Area" and "Automatic" for "Scaling" in yEd's printing options has the desired effect for me (see attached screenshot).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes

Sorry, if I was not precise in my wordíng!

...selecting "Entire Graph" as "Clip Area" and "Automatic" for "Scaling" in yEd's printing options...

was exactly what I did, but the page is only covered a quarter of the page.


Could it be that there are "invisible" elements in your graph (e.g. a white node or edge)? You can check by selecting a single node and then using CTRL+A to select all nodes and selecting a single edge and then using CTRL+A to select all edges respectively.
No, nothing invisible.
If I chose "show complete graph" on toolbar the graph fills the screen.

The problem seems to depend on printer. When I print to PDF the page setup is ok (so I can use this as workaround).
Print preview looks ok too.
But when printing on HP Officjet 6500A only the lower left quarter of the page is covered.
0 votes
Check the margins in the page setup - for some reason yEd keeps putting large values (>100mm) on the left and bottom edges and I have to remember to set them back to 10mm
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