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Find/Select elements via Custom Properties and Description researchs

+25 votes

It is currently possible to search through nodes or edges via only one text field, the "main label".

Text driven research should be possible on additional fields. Thus :

  • Description,
  • URL,
  • Custom Properties,
  • ...

should also be researchable.

Such a behaviour of the find/selector functions would enhance the power of research through graphs. In addition it would increase the interest of tailor-made custom properties.

in Finished Features by (320 points)
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3 Answers

+3 votes
If we were able to use default character search (eg: *, +, !), it would be a great advantage to navigate on big graphs.
by (630 points)
0 votes
I would strongly benefit from such a search on custom properties. Especially if it would be possible to mark/filter/find all nodes with a given match at once to set common color or shapetype or something like that.
by (300 points)
Setting a common color or shape type according to values in URL/Description/custom property is already possible using "Edit" -> "Properties Mapper".
Yes and no ;-)
May be it should work for my needs but I run into the problem that most of my mappings are at group level which does not work. That leads me to another existing feature request (<http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/93/>).
0 votes
Supported in "Edit" -> "Find" and "Tools" -> "Select Elements" as of yEd 3.17.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
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