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Error when exporting an big graph

0 votes

When I try to export a very big graph, thprogram throws an error

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Not enough memory for temporary image of size 28536x29394 (800MPixels).  Approximately 3200MByte required.


Then I try to start the jar version with 6GB max of heap memory. It gave another error

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Image size of 236609x179778=42537092802px exceeds maximum size of 2147483647px.



How can I overcome this kind of error

in Help by (270 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

It is not possible to create raster images (GIF,JPG,PNG) of the desired size. Note, this is not a yEd shortcoming but a restriction of the underlying Java platform. (However, I bet you would be hard pressed to find any other application that can handle raster images of the desired size.)

I recommend exporting to SVG instead of a raster image format.

In theory, tiling would be an option for raster image formats. However, for that size you would have to use a lot of tiles. (E.g. even for huge 4000px by 2000px tiles, you would need 60 tiles per row and 90 tiles per column resulting in 5400 individual image files!)

by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes
Did you find a way to export your file to a raster image format ?

I have the same problem and have no idea how to print it...

Exporting "visible region" doesn't even work because it gives to me an image as I see it and when I zoom in, it is blurred...

When I try to convert from svg to jpeg online, I get an image which has the same problem describe before. When I zoom in, it is totally blurred...


If you have any idea how to overcome this problem I would be soooo thankfull.


Resizing the graph with Yed is possible ? Will it solve the problem ? Do I have to do it nodes after Nodes ?
by (280 points)
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