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Is it possible to have more than 1 label on a node when importing from excel?

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Wondering if I can have more than 1 line of labels while importing rather than typing it in by hand.

in Help by

1 Answer

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Yes, that is possible.

  1. Create a node with the desired number of labels. (For ease of use, assign each label some dummy text, e.g. "Label 1", "Label 2", etc.)
  2. Create a user defined palette section and add the node you just created to the new section. Double-click the new template in the new palette section to make it the default node style. See section Palette Manager in the yEd Manual for additional information.
  3. Import your spreadsheet. Each column in your spreadsheet that is in the Excel Import's "Node List" "Data Range" will result in one custom node property. Make sure option "Template" in section "Nodes" of tab "Presentation" is set to "Selected Template from Palette".
  4. Use yEd's properties mapper to assign the property values to the labels of your nodes. See section Mapping Custom Properties to Visual Properties in the yEd Manual for additional information.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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