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Xinerama (multi monitor) support

0 votes
When I start linux application under 2 head xinerama monitors I found that menu is working wrongg. I can click on a meny entryes, but then ic close. Several time later I found that on click event goes fine and Java provide this info to menu element, but next time it think that position of screen cursor is on the left/right (depend on how you configure your multi monitor) of click position (click postiton + 2'nd monitor width).

Actually I found 2 workaround

1. click and move mouse and capture non seen "cursor" and point apropriate menu position blindfold.

2. Turn off my second monitor at time when I use your software...

Pls .fix this next release. It's a very usefull feature.
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes
Sorry, but this is a Java problem that cannot be fixed in yEd. (At least if I understood your problem description as you meant it.)
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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