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Class diagram from XCode 5

0 votes
I would like to create class diagrams from an xcode project - I can't see any documentation that says this is supported currently.

New feature request?


Thanks, Will
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes

Well, yEd is a general diagram editor. Its main purpose is the manual creation of diagrams. The feature you are looking for would be much more appropriate for XCode 5 itself, an XCode plugin, or another IDE that supports XCode projects (if there is such a thing).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks for the quick response. In terms of where the feature/plugin is implemented I suspect it depends on which side of the fence you are.
I have been using yEd for a number of years, but Xcode for just 9 months. When I did a search for Xcode/objective-c to yEd I stumbled on a competitor of yEd, OmniGraffle (albeit paid), which prompted me to post this question.
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