Hi there,
I'm trying to create a custom import/export feature to my own graph handling university diploma project and I have the following issue:
I export everything with xerces to a test.grapml document. Because I have several node types, I've created a custom data, named NodeType. Everything works well, I can produce the correct format for YED to operate, but when I do anything (specially layouting) in the editor and save the file all of my data from the NodeType key are cleared.
It's very strange, because when I open my exported graph for the first time and select a node, in the properties window I see that NodeType doesn't have any value. Then I modify the layout and add some data to NodeType key, then save and reopen the file, those data are persisted.
Here is an example, my program produce the following xml:
When I open it in YED, do a layouting and save it, it looks like:
And when I add some data to the cleared keys and save it:
Looks very similiar to me, I can't see the point why doesn't work. Please help me to figure out the solution to this issue.
Thank you very much in advance,