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Fit Node to Label Function in Latest Version is acting Funny!

0 votes
I just downloaded the latest version. All these years, I had configured and docked the fit node to label function. Something has changed. Now, everytime I am using this button, the node widens and opens up into a single line horizontally.

Not sure what has happened.
in Help by
Hi, can you please describe in more detail how this is different from the problem described in the linked thread? Please note that this problem was not fixed, yet. If it is different, what would be the expected result?

1 Answer

0 votes
Mic, for me this is a new problem. This has started only with the new version.
Yes, but is it the same as the one described in the other post? If not, please be more specific, and describe for example the previous or expected behavior. We need to know that to look for.

'Something has changed' doesn't help us much to identify the problem. For me, your description of the problem sounds like the expected behavior: the node gets the width of the label.
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