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How do I make my edge type go diagonally again?

0 votes

Hi all,

I've made a complex diagram with loads of edges going across and around it. Originally, the edge type I was using (polyline with target arrow) would allow me to link nodes diagonally. / << like that. Just from one node to the other directly. But now, it ends up making links in a boxed manner. So _| << does that whenever I try and link two nodes. I've tried reseting the default edge type and don't know what else to try!!


No idea if that makes any sense to anyone. But if it does, please help.




in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
You have probably activated orthogonal edge creation mode. It is the second button from the right in the tool bar.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Worked now. Thanks!
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