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yEd repeatably crashes when hit "Current Elements" palette.

0 votes
yEd 3.12, Windows 7, Java 7 update 51. Windows is running under Virtual Box. File is on local drive or network drive (doesn't seem to make a difference). Possibly associated with a particular diagram (or my elements on it?). Nothing especially complex. Can send diagram if it helps. It doesn't crash as long as I don't use the Current Elements palette (although I've not tried other palettes since this started).

It looks like a Windows message "yEd Graph Editor has stopped working". Then it does its collecting information bit and offers to send Microsoft these files:

Files that help describe the problem:

I should add that I used yEd without this problem for about a month before this happened. I must admit that between then and now the VM was (routinely) updated. I could send you the yEd file if you want.
in Help by
Can you post the exact error message?
However, I guess your problem is caused by Java being run in a VM. If I am right, there is nothing we can do about it.

1 Answer

0 votes
I am afraid my earlier guess was correct - your problem is related to running Java in Virtual Box on Windows. There is nothing that can be done about it in yEd. Since both Virtual Box and Java are Oracle products, you might be able to find helpful information in an Oracle forum.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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