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How to show filename on print-out?

+2 votes
Is it possible or planned to easily show the filename on a yEd print-out?


Thank you very much in advance
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes
Well, you can use the diagram's filename as header or footer when printing the diagram.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
yes, of course. I could also create a box in the diagram showing what I want to show :-)

What I am rather thinking of is a feature that is pretty standard in all the known office software packages; the printout magically showing where it came from in terms of a file name, so you can also have traceability of your printouts without having to manually edit a print header/footer :-)
Is there a command to automatic get the filename and file path (into the header)?
No, currently there is no such command.
I ended up here looking for this very feature. I know these things can quickly get overly complex so something that provides the basic info would be useful, e.g.:
%f - insert filename
%p - insert path
%m - insert date (last modified)
%% - insert "%" char

thus allowing: My Project - Progress 85%% (file: %p%f  last modified: %m)

but even just the full path/filename would be a useful starting point.
Thanks for the great software!
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