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Graph Centrality and Closeness Centrality are 0 Zero

0 votes
Hello to all;

I have drawn a network and am having trouble running some of the centrality measures- no matter what I try, I am always getting '0.00' for the graph centrality and the closeness centrality assessments.

I saw another help response that said to first run do an auto-grouping, and I see that all the elements in my graph are connected!

Why am I still having this problem?
in Help by
Hard to tell without knowing you graph and settings. Would you care to upload your diagram (in GraphML format) and post your centrality settings?
thanks for the quick response!
No problem to upload-- sorry for the ignorance, but how could I upload it to this thread? many thanks.

Either edit or answer your question and follow the instructions in How to upload files to yEd Q&A?

2 Answers

+1 vote

Your graph is not connected. (I.e. your graph consists of more than one connected component. See Wikipedia for details.) You can easily check this by running "Layout" -> "Organic" or "Layout" -> "Components". The result will be two visually distinct graph components and one isolated node (three connected components in total).

As a workaround, you can create one document for each of your graph's components and run the centrality measures on each component separately.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
0 votes

great, very helpful, cheers!


here is my graph


There was an underlying image that I removed. Maybe I'm just missing something super obvious, but I have tried to look for disconnected nodes and I found one, although the file that I sent you still contains that node. Just wondering if you could help out.


Many thanks!


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