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When I highlight a node, can yEd highlight it's neighborhood?

0 votes
When I highlight a node, it would be nice if yEd would also highlight the connected edges and nodes that it's connected with.  Is that possible?
in Help by

1 Answer

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It is not possible to select nodes and edges at the same time in yEd.

Aside from that, you can use "Tools" -> "Select Elements" to select all neighbors of one or more selected nodes. To do that, make sure that none of the options on tab "General" are selected and on tab "Nodes" choose "Use These Criteria", "Neighbors of Selected Nodes" for "Select", and set "Maximal Path Distance" to "1".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
That's great!  Exactly what I'm looking for.  Is there a way to have that selection criteria by default?  It seems I have to go to select elements each time I select something.
No, you cannot change the default settings. However, once you have chosen different settings, yEd should remember your changes for the next use of "Select Elements".
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