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Node to specific swimlane-column

+1 vote
Hello, Is it possible to nest a node into specific columns or rows so that after new layouting the nodes are nested in the right cols/rows as expected?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd's Swimlane layout algorithms ("Layout" -> "Swimlane", "Hierarchic" and "Organic" as of yEd 3.12) respect swimlane assignements.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks for your answer, but that doesn't help a lot and your answers tells me, that there is no relation between rows/columns and the nested nodes. So, the realtion is just a graphical one? That doesn't make sense, unfortunately... When I save my graph to an xml-format, I have no possibility to get the information about which of the nodes belongs to which of the lanes, columns, rows? Very sad...
The relation is a geometrical one - node to column/row relations are determined by the coordinates of node centers and column/row bounds.

Well, saving your graph to an XML format means saving in yEd's native GraphML format. And of course, GraphML stores all the geometrical data you would need to recreate node to column/row relations.
This is an old thread, but I stumbled upon this issue also. It would make more sense to treat swim lanes as containers so the parent/child relationship is reflected in the document structure, not by coordinate guesswork.
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