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Does not display the character "<"(minor) that is in data properties.

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in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

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The "Description" field expects HTML snippets. Therefore, "less than" is interpreted as start of a HTML tag. To get a literal "less than", use the corresponding entity notation &lt;

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks a lot.
But I don't understand why other HTML Character Entities, for example ">" (&gt) o "&" (&amp), they are displayed.
In yEd Help says "Descriptions can be specified using either plain text or HTML markup.". I believe that by default, plain text is used.
Best regards,
Unfortunately, the yEd help is not correct here.

For '>' and '&' there are cases where the HTML parser knows that these characters cannot belong to a tag or an entity. E.g. if there is no '<' before '>' it cannot be a tag. Moreover, if '&' is not the first character of a word ending with ';', it cannot be an entity. If you use "a <b or  c> d" as description, neither '<' nor '>' will be displayed. Spaces (or rather the missing spaces) are important here.
Thank you,
Very clear.
Best regards,
Joan Comalada
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