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How to draw edge from multiple nodes to one node?

+1 vote
Thats all! I have 300 nodes that I want to draw an edge from them to 301th node.
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
There is no way to do that in an automated fashion in yEd.

You need to either
- create your diagram with "Tools" -> "Create Graph" -> "Tree",
- import your data from Excel,
- use "Edit" -> "Add Child" and "Edit" -> "Duplicate", or
- create the required edges manually.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
edited by
0 votes

here you are an example. I made it in 2 minutes.


edited by
Well, I think the original poster was asking for a way to automatically create edges for existing nodes.

Creating a tree *from scratch* is very easy in yEd. In fact, it is much easier than your example because "Tools" -> "Create Graph" -> "Tree" already does this.
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