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undirected edges in graphml become directed in yed

0 votes

Please consider the graphml example in wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GraphML). I copied and pasted it to a file and opened it with yed. Then i clicked on Layout->Hierarchical-> Ok and was presented a presentation of the graph with directed edges.

However, the statement "<graph id="G" edgedefault="undirected">" in the graph from wikipedia clearly states the edges should be undirected.

Once i save the graph, the aformentioned statement becomes: "<graph edgedefault="directed" id="G">"

Why is yed turning undirected edges into directed once?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd supports only directed graphs.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
How is it possible to quickly draw undirected graphs in yed? Or is it possible to quickly make all edges to have no arrows at their ends? Visualizing undirected graph is very common use case.

Yes, using edges without arrows is the way to go. By default, yEd uses an edge style with a arrow on the target end. You can change that default by double-clicking another style template in the "Edge Types" palette section. (The default style is the one with the blue background.) Note, there are multiple style templates with no arrows in "Edge Types". I suggest you use the very first one for your use case.

Default edge style template:


Suggested edge style template:

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