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How to add background groupings to image?

+1 vote

I love yEd and this is my first question for the group.

I have a flowchart the corresponds to 12 or so steps in image processing.  As one traverses the flowchart, they are moving through 4 important subtopics in image processing.  I'd like to illustrate these topics by shading the background of various regions in the flowchart to different colors.  So once the chart enters, for example, the light green background, one realizes they are dealing with image segmentation instead of spatial filtering etc...

I hoped to be able to draw these regions with custom or irregular boundaries.  Ideally, I'd like a wand tool to let me circle a bordered region in my diagram, then backfill this region with a light color (preferrable with low opacity), and then add a text label to this region corresponding to the relevant image processing domain.

Is such behavior possilble with yEd as of now?


in Help by (130 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, the desired feature is not supported in yEd. You need to use either rectangular group nodes or normal nodes that you place behind the nodes that make up the various subtopics using "Raise Selection"/"Lower Selection" from the node context menu. Please note, that yEd's automatic layout algorithms will not be able to respect the background-to-subtopic relation if you use the latter approach.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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