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Any compatible file formats with CMap?

0 votes
Is there any file format that overlaps with CMap concept map editor?  (The only other good concept map software I've found so far)

I'd love to export abig Cmap into yEd and see how the layout methods handle it.

in Help by (230 points)
What export file formats does CMap support?

yEd supports importing from GraphML, GML, TGF, YGF, XGML, MS Excel, and generic XML with appropriate XSL transformations.
Cmap exports to:
SVG, Web page, Cmap outline

And potentially useful:
Propositions as Text
CXL File
XTM/XCM file

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Well, seems like the list of CMap export formats and the list of yEd import formats are disjoint. Unless one of CXL, XTM/XCM, or IVML is actually an XML format, it is not possible to import CMap files.

(If one of the aforementioned formats is an XML format, then you need to write a XSLT that transforms the CMap file into yEd's GraphML.)
by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
0 votes

It looks like one way may be possible with existing software... wandora can import Topic map format (XTM, which Cmap can export to) and export to GraphML (which yEd can import).

That might let you do what you want - play with a CmapTools file (or at least the node layout bits of one) in yEd.

I wanted to go the other way, to see how CmapTools would handle layout of a yEd file, so I haven't actually tried this.

by (150 points)
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