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Swimlane Layout

0 votes
I installed yEd Graph Editor to my computer. I’m designing a flowchart of a company. It has 9 departments, I use 3x3 Swimlane Table and I have 129 nodes and 150 edges. I have many steps in all of them. I put all the steps in the right places with using Swimlane Nodes and Tables. But after that when I clicked Swimlane Layout, it didn’t layout my flowchart correctly as I want. And I couldn’t make the right settings I think. How can I layout it correctly? Please help me immediately.
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

+1 vote
Did you actually assign your nodes to the tables? That is, if you select a node and then move it towards the border of its table, does the table automatically grow? If not, assign the node to the table. To do that, select the node, press and hold SHIFT, then move the node over the table.

If your nodes are assigned to tables, please provide a screenshot of the bad layout and explain in detail what kind of layout you did expect.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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