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How to import icons found via IconFinder as vector graphics?

0 votes
Today I used the IconFinder for the very first time in order to find an icon representing an XML file. There are several ones available and all seem to be vector graphics because they scale when I adjust "max. size". However, after I import them into my palette and drag them into my diagram, they are displayed as raster graphics (totally pixelated).

Isn't there a way to import these icons as vector graphics? Thanks in advance!
in Help by (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

As far as I can tell, IconFinder supports vector graphics only when accessed through their webpage. I.e. the search term iconset:linecons-free-vector-icons-pack turns up vector graphics and raster images when used on the IconFinder website. However, IconFinder's programmatic access returns only raster images for the same search term.

In short, it is not possible to import these icons as vector graphics (because IconFinder's programmatic access only delivers raster images).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
Okay, thank you very much for your explanation! Too bad it isn't possible. :-(

So I guess that there is currently no other way than saving an icon as SVG file on disk and then importing this SVG file into yEd, if I want it to be vector graphics.
We're working on a new version of our API that will includes SVG also.
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