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How to apply "no border" with property mapping?

0 votes
I want to hide border for specific nodes with the property mapper. I can manage to set border width to any value greater than 0, but 0 does not work. I can change color to any color, except "no color", and I can change line type to any type except no line. How can this be managed?
in Help by (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
There is no such thing as a "no line" line type in yEd. To "remove" the border of a node using the properties mapper, set the border width to 1 and the border color to a fully transparent color like #ffffff00.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Yep. Transparency is the answer. Thank you.

Still, as you can set "no color" as node property in the property editor, you can even choose "no color" (#----) in property mapper, why isn't it working?
Because the effort required to support "no color" currently does not justify the gains.
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